Aeovar Hundmund

Wandering Mercenary - Handyman - Enjoyer of many things.

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Armor and Weaponry

Dulled, Ishgardian steel acts as Aeovar's favored form of defense. Aeovar adorns many an attire, but when set before combat, Aeovar often equips a heavier, defensive suit of armor. Covering the scratched and dented cuirass is a light tan tabard, a single sword crest pointed downward fashioned in the center. The picture above is very close and will act as the representation. Flowing down the Highlander's back is a tattered, old cloak that ends at his heels. Additionally, while his body is confidently incased in metal, Aeovar's left arm is seemingly protected by metal of a different material and design. To those with a keen eye might note that the arm is not protected at all, but rather a cybernetic attachment made from various different parts and repainted.Strapped across Aeovar's back is a large axe that appears intricately made upon closer glance. The shaft of the brutal wartool is made from darkened oak wood felled in the Dravanian Hinterlands. The pommel of the axe mirrors that of the head; a twin pair of razored, edged blades. While the weapon appears functional, a knowledgeable eye may find that the weapon incomplete and in dire need of an overhaul.Aeovar also comes equipped with two daggers on his belt line and in the event that the axe described above is not equipped, Aeovar utilizes a war-axe that some may have seen on the Ishgardian front in the Dragonsong war.

Casual Attire

Every hero and do-gooder needs their rest, even the big lads. When Aeovar is not out and about in his armor, he can generally be found in a black and grey workers vest and simple pants. Beneath the vest is a short-sleeved tunic-- however, Aeovar's left arm is not visible due to a thick layer of metal; cybernetics of some sort.WIP

Physical Appearance

Aeovar Hundmund stands at a fairly tall height for that of his ilk, but by no means beyond comprehension. His hair, a dark caramel color, is usually tied back in a bun as to avoid getting in his face. Aeovar's eyes are a bright emerald green. Along Aeovar's face, as pictured in game, are four simplistic blue lines that are tattooed on his face.Built of a strong stature, Aeovar's body lies adorned with scars and marks of battles, but there are three scars that are of note:

o A medium, bite sized scar on his left shoulder. The scar appears to originate from a medium sized carnivore of draconic nature.o A small scar running along the left side of Aeovar's cheekbone, notably disrupting the flow of the tattoo.o A medium sized burn mark running along the center of his back.

I should make it known that there are obvious gaps within this timeline. I am an enjoyer of RP, and what is the point of doing so when you already know every little detail regarding someone and their character. If what you read interests you, then you can find out more through natural RP!

Early Life

In the earliest summers, Aeovar led a simple life; a boy with a dream to travel and explore the vast world and diverse world. In his youth, Aeovar lived in an orphanage just off the outskirts of The Brume of Ishgard. Often the product of ridicule and shame, being a lonesome Hyur in a land predominantly ruled and occupied by Elezen and others. When not taking refuge from the blistering cold outside the orphanage, Aeovar and his motley crew of fellow orphan friends would take to the streets, looking to make a little gil-- enough to give hope to a brighter tomorrow.When Aeovar was of age, he departed from the orphanage with three others, off to find opportunity and adventure in the vast lands of Dravania and onward. Shortly after, Aeovar and his friends became travelling mercenaries, roaming the native lands, honing their skills as fighters and enhancing their understanding of the magicks, generally so.

The Dragonsong War

After spending the first half of their young, adult life exploring the lands of Ishgard and what surrounded it, Aeovar and the adventuring party he had joined returned to take part in quelling the Dravanian threat. This party consisted of Aeovar, the three other orphans of whom set out with him, as well as two new faces; an Au Ra swordsman and a Miqo'te thaumaturge. Together, these six, brave souls took to the frontlines, seeking to vanquish the largest of beasts and aid in the conflicts ahead.However, some foes do not yield.Aeovar and his team, of whom had been nicknamed "The Frostbreakers", were led to believe that their newest quarry was spotted deep within the Ishgardian mountains, far off the beaten tracks in a place described as "still like death and sinister like the void." Deep in those accursed mountains did The Frostbreakers meet their foe; a staggeringly, abnormally large Dravanian creature; a dragon of astonishing and quite frankly, overwhelming strength by the name of "Kuusandrir". Together, The Frostbreakers drew their blades, conjured their spells, and sought to fight Kuusandrir, only to be defeated by the beast.What became of The Frostbreakers is unknown, as Aeovar was the only one to leave those ruins and refuses to speak of what happened, only that "The Frostbreakers are gone, simply gone."Many months following this tragedy, Aeovar joined a Dragon hunting party, seeking to continue the fight his friends left him to finish. In this hunting group, Aeovar discovered two individuals; Okhi'to Dhava and Berke Ejinn, an artificer and healer respectively. One day, while off on an assignment with this hunting group, Aeovar was attacked by a Dravanian, resulting in nearly fatal wounds and the loss of his left arm. Thankfully, with the help of both Berke and Okhi'to, Aeovar's wound was slowly and painfully remedied. Whilst Berke mended the wounds, Okhi'to developed a prototype, prosthetic arm made of repurposed Magiteck and Garlean metals.

The Horrors of War

For many moons did Aeovar hunt dragons alongside his new companions in this party of like-minded warriors. To hunt a dragon, these warriors were put up to many trials requiring the strongest of wills-- and sometimes, when the party would find themselves stuck in the middle of a Coerthas blizzard with a satchel empty of food, they would have nothing but the fruits of their hard labor to consume; dragon meat.At the end of this long, arduous war, Aeovar was without much; he had no known relatives, no wealth to sustain the handicapped life he had found himself in, and with that, the lack of an arm. Of course, when the revelation of the Dravanian sentient and culture was brought to the public, Aeovar's guilt, shame, and grief brought him to leave not only the hunting party behind, but the whole of Ishgard too. While Okhi'to Dhava petitioned his fellow hunters to take up arms with the rebellion, Aeovar and Berke Ejinn made their exit from the conflict, leaving for the southern lands Eorzea had to offer. On their journeys spanning ever farther from the snowy peaks Aeovar called home, the Highlander and his trusted Au Ra companion set off to make the lives of all better; to right the many wrongs of their warmongering, and to forget what was lost in the process; limbs, loved ones, and the morality of ones actions.

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Okhi'to Dhava

An artificer by trade, Okhi'to Dhava is one of Aeovar's trusted companions of whom he met during the Dragonsong War. It was Okhi'to who helped fashion Aeovar his prosthetic arm, of which has awarded Okhi'to a deep loyalty from Aeovar.

Berke Ejinn

In the peak of dragon hunting season during the Dragonsong War, Berke Ejinn made Aeovar's acquaintance. Fighting alongside one another, the two quickly became friends, as Berke is Aeovar's "pocket healer". When Aeovar departed from the dragon hunting party, Berke insisted on following him southward to ensure his wounds mended and to assist as needed. Ever since, the two partners in (not)crime have been travelling together, trying to do good in a world full of hate.

Hooks and Contact

If you've come this far, you might be interested in RPing! If so, you can reach me on the Mateus server under the name "Aeovar Hundmund". I don't generally give out my discord to people until I've met them and interacted with them.

The Adventurous Artisan

Once a mercenary, once an artisan, now a chiseled mixture of both. Aeovar frequently sets out into the wilds in search of adventure while also keeping a keen eye out for any quality materials he might be able to sell or utilize. Perhaps your character wishes to make use of these skills by hiring Aeovar at his shop.

Handyman At Large

Need a sturdy laborer or two to get tedious work done like hauling goods or tending to residential upkeep? Aeovar tries to keep himself busy as much as possible, perhaps he can be of assistance.

A Friendly Sort

On his many travels, Aeovar has stumbled through village after village, doing whatever needs to be done to benefit the community. Perhaps your character and Aeovar have met during one of these pilgrimages and now his services are needed again.

Depressed Veterans

War is a constant in the world, and there are always those who return from it changed. It would be very possible that Aeovar could have met your character or heard of them if they were active in the Dragonsong War, or partook in pushing the Garlean forces out of the Far Eastern lands.

Custom Experience

Got an idea of your own? Feel free to shoot it my way! I'm sure we can come up with something that both suits out characters.